NI online payments - which option?
Hi Since losing my husband 9 years ago in 2015 I've lived off an RAF widows pension and have worked part time (although I'm not currently working) Because I work part time I've not had NI contributions deducted but I have made some voluntary contributions. I should get my state pension in 4 years when I'm 67. I still have gaps which I hoped to pay via the new online system however - the questions about when I intend to stop paying NI have stumped me. It is unlikely that I will work full time again but there doesn't seem to be an option for my situation. If I did work full time again I would obviously pay NI - so I haven't actually stopped paying already (I just don't meet the criteria to pay) Which option should I choose? Also - when my husband died aged 54 he had worked continuously since age 16. As his widow am I able to claim any of his credits towards gaps in my own record? Thank you