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  • How to amend the submitted file

    Dear Admin, My 2022-23 self-assessment has been submitted and tax calculation was received by post last week.However, I found that I made a wrong selection on page Box no.1,TR2,Form100 which Employment should be YES therefore my PAYE 's record did not fill in.I cannot amend this mistake online since over 72 hours after submission of file.Please let me know what next should I do ,THANKS!
  • RE: Pre-resignation leave from my previous job

    Hi Admin, Thank you for your reply. Therefore,I don't need to report this income in my self-assessment return,do I?
  • Pre-resignation leave from my previous job

    Hi Admin, I arrived in the UK on April 11, 2022 with a BNO visa. I resigned from my job before coming to the UK and the last date is April 5, 2022. Because I still have more than three months of pre-resignation leave , my previous employer turned these leave into money and subsidized to me in April, May, and June, 2022. I would like to ask that these incomes were produced in the last financial year before I came to the UK, do I need to declare tax?