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  • Offsetting Gains and Losses

    We are working through a house transaction as a result of the death of my parents. my father died a number of years ago leaving 25% of the house to each of the 2 children, this value is in scope for CGT based on the probate/market value at the time of his death and sale value my mother died more recently and the remaining 50% of the property gets split between the 2 children, there is no CGT on this value as the property transfer is calculated in the IHT calcs and is selling below that value. On sale the property sells below the probate value for my mother's death but above the probate value from my father's death can the CGT liable on the 'gains' from the first tranche of ownership be offset with 'losses' on the property selling below probate from the second tranche or ownership. the entire property will be disposed of in one transaction.