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  • Non-Dom UK Resident,NRE savings & interests remmited after 4 years , what is taxbale?

    I am Non-Dom UK Resident , transfered my UK PAYE salary savings to Indian NRE Account for last 4 years, following are the interest earned each year, If I now remmited all the NRE savings & interests , what is my taxable Amount ? I am aware that PAYE salary savings is not taxed as it was already taxed in UK . What about interest of 4 years do , I pay tax on all ? or only for interest earned in the year remmited Example FY20-21: Interest earned in NRE account - £2.5K (not remitted, not declared) FY21-22: Interest earned in NRE account - £2.2K (not remitted, not declared) FY22-23: Interest earned in NRE account - £2.3K (not remitted, not declared) FY23-24: Interest earned in NRE account - £2.3K (all PAYE salary NRE savings + all interest from years 1 to 4 remitted) So when I do Self Assesment FY23-24 what is my taxbale earning , should it be sum of All intrest (1 to4) or only 4th i.e Interest Earned in FY23-24?
  • UK Resident Non-Dom , no tax on interest earned in NRE savings as per post's reply

    UK Resident non- domiciled ,Self Assesment done on Arisal Basis Interest earned in FY21-22 more than 2K in NRE savings not remitted - Tax payed in UK on Arisal Basis It seems I shouldnt have paid tax here as per "HMRC Admin 32" reply as below . Also find the url to the reply below HMRC Admin 32 -"If you are resident, but not domiciled in the UK at in the year the interest arises, and you do not remit the interest to the UK, then it is not taxable. It will, however, be taxable in the year in which you do remit the interest to the UK" So does that mean , I should have not payed this as tax ? Also if I remmited this FY21-22's 2K interest in FY 22-23 , would I have had to pay tax here in UK in FY 22-23 on it or since it wasnt earned in FY 22-23 and was from previous year I didnt have to pay tax even if I remmited ?