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  • Casual Earnings or set up as Self Employed

    Hi there I don’t know if the casual earnings I made in the 2023-2024 tax year can be reported as “Other Taxable Income” or whether I need to set up as self-employed. I did 26 days casual work in this tax year and collected £3220. Activities like decorating, lifting and carrying, garden work and other manual activities for various people. Full records and receipts kept. I’m 62 years old, retired and have a pension of £25,000 a year. No other income. I do this casual work just to keep fit and active outdoors. It’s getting increasingly physically difficult to do it and recover from it, and so it will reduce in the future. Obviously I am well below the NIC contribution thresholds and would not want to pay voluntary NICs. From a tax perspective I don’t think it makes any difference, but could you advise me please, thanks.