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  • RE: Re-registering for self assessment?

    I still have an HMRC account (using app or online) and a UTR number, but cannot find if and where to re-register. I have found a form for registering for the first time. Do I use that? Or is there a way that I have not found yet?
  • Re-registering for self assessment?

    Due to treatment for cancer I do not have to do a self assessment for the 2022-2023 tax year, but I have started to do some self employed work since 12th Sept 2023. Do I need to re-register/reactivate now, or do I just send a self assessment some time between 6th April 2024 and 31st January 2025?
  • Tax return after 6th April 2024 for 2023-24 tax year.

    Started as self employed in this tax year (2023-2024), so will send a self assessment tax return between 6th April 2024 and 31st January 2025. When do I register for self employment? I have tried, but all online questions are for those sending a self assessment for 2022-2023 tax year. Do I register when I send the self assessment, some time after 6th April 2024?