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  • RE: Post valuation

    Thanks for the information but with regard to my question can you please give me a yes or no answer to my question, does HMRC accept valuations produced by the Nationwide price index for cgt purposes? Incidentally regarding your response, it's difficult to understand how any estate agent could possibly know what state the property was in back in 2011.
  • RE: Post valuation

    Hi, thanks for the response, there was no probate and I understand that market valuation at the date of death should be used my query is what is a method of valuation that is acceptable to HMRC? Is it acceptable to use the value produced by the Nationwide house price index, an earlier query and answer re a transfer of property to a child suggested that it was (posted by Andrew 6 months ago answered by admin10). A response to a CG34 takes at least 3 months but the gain has to be returned and paid within 60 days so I am looking for an acceptable inexpensive alternative which I hoped would be the Nationwide price index.
  • RE: Post valuation

    Typing error - value is for CGT purposes
  • Post valuation

    I am selling an inherited property, is it acceptable to find the value of the property at date of inheritance (2011) for cut purposes, by using the Nationwide house price index for the region. This calculates change in value based on original date of purchase, original purchase price and the date of inheritance?