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  • RE: RE:Reporting CGT on Overseas Property sale

    Hi. I just sold a property in Spain that was my only private residence since I bought it in 2001 until 2010, when I rented it and moved to another one. I have been living in the UK since 2016 and I am aware that -after paying due taxes in Spain- I must pay CGT in the UK in my next 2024/25 Self-assessment. Could I claim Private Residence Relief for the time it was my residence? If the answer is yes, could I claim said relief in addition to the Foreign Tax Credit Relief? In which field of the online form should I input the calculation of the time it was my residence and/or the fact that I am claiming said relief? Thank you. PD. for John Davies: while most income of non-EU residents in Spain pays 24% (and, in the case of rents, not of the net, but of the gross income!), in the case of selling a property the tax is 19% of the profit. I found this out when filling my “Modelo210” online, that only allows to input 19% in the allocated field, even for a UK resident.