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  • Recieved self assessment statement

    Hi I completed my tax return for 23/24 a month ago, and now I recieved my self assessment statement showing I have nothing to pay. Does that mean it's finished, HMRC agree and have done the calculation? Thanks
  • Personal savings allowance

    Hi, Imagine i earnt - £125,000. - do i get the savings allowance of £500? - What if I earn £,125,200? Do I get ZERO allowance now? I see the threshold is 125,140 to be additional rate tax payer, but does the personal savings allowance immediately get removed if i earn £1 over 125,140? Or is it a sliding scale? Thanks!
  • Will i start paying payments on account?

    Hi, Will i start paying payments on account instead of deduction of income tax owed through PAYE? I am employed, earning £100k a year. Tax owed is £3,500. I earn more than 90% of my income through my salary. Will the £3,500 tax be paid through PAYE or through payments on account?