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  • RE: Tax implication for bringing overseas savings to UK from a previous job

    Thanks for the reply. A followup question, as part of the liquidation I will have to pay fines (since I will be liquidating early). In this case will I have to pay CGT on the amount before fine is deducted or after fine is deducted? For a more tangible example: If I have investment worth 10,000£ and it has 2000£ of capital gains on selling (so total 12,000£), however, I had to pay fine worth 2000£ due to early encashment will I still have to pay CGT?
  • Tax implication for bringing overseas savings to UK from a previous job

    Hi HMRC, I have a query regarding bringing savings from overseas to UK. I moved to the UK from Singapore where I had some investments financed by my job in Singapore. I am thinking of bringing the savings generated from liquidating the investments back to the UK. All the money involved is generated ONLY from my job in Singapore and does not relate to my income in UK or after I moved to the UK. I have read through the other forum questions and answers and I understand that I will have tax implications from the capital gains generated from the amount after it is in UK but will I have any tax implications from bringing the saving to the UK?