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  • Income tax refund 6 Apr 2023 to 5 Apr 2024

    I believe I have overpaid income tax during the tax year between 6 Apr 2023 and 5 Apr 2024. If I check the tax calculation tool it definitely indicates some refund then I would receive a tax calculation letter P800 by 30th November 2024. I have never received this letter. If I check my tax account it says that my tax during this period has not been calculated yet. I am really confused. I have heard from some other people that they have already received the tax refund if there was. I was wondering if there is anything I would need to do to receive the refund or I have only to wait for the tax calculation letter P800. I was also wondering if the letter may have been already sent out but was not deilievered to my address. Would you be able to give me some advice please? Kind regards Wonjoon Lee