RSUs and being taxed twice
My company give me RSUs every year. When they vest some are witheld to pay tax. I can see this all in my payslip. Despite the fact that I am NOT selling them the vested RSU amount is added to my total income for the year and this pushes me over £100k. I have received a message from HMRC saying that I owe an extra £2k in tax for the previous tax year. I have spoken to HMRC and they say that the tax is worked out on the total income and there is no distinction between my actual total income and the RSUs. They advised that ths is something for my company to deal with. I have spoken to my payroll and they say that I need to try and explain that my total income includes RSUs and that is not part of my actual total income. I have already paid tax on the RSUs when they vest so it seems unfair I am getting taxed again.