SIPP, Trusts, IHT and income tax
my parents have a small plot of land and house. Both are in a trust (with a will supporting it). Me and brother are beneficiaries of that trust upon death. Would me and my brother have to pay IHT and income tax on it. Also my parents have a SIPP that is below below £325,000 what would the current tax implications be re IHT and income tax on that SIPP and also with assests held in a trust. -
Pension and Working Tax Credit
Is being paid state pension a reason to notify WTC of a change in circumstances. -
Working tax credit and Pension
We are still on WTC, but due to have it cutoff shortly (not sure when, just waiting for the date), as we do not want universal credits. But I am about to have state pension, my wife still has 6 years to go. Can we both have WTC at the same time. Or does mine get cut at pension age, and can my wifes continue. -
Money held in a SIPP - on death
If you have money held in a SIPP, does its money count as unearned income and then be taxed to any beneifacters in a will ?? Or can that money be transferred tax free to a beneifacters SIPP ?? before/after death. How easy is it to transfer a SIPP on death to a spouse