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  • Italian and UK income and tax returns

    I am Italian but have lived, studied and worked in the UK for 9 years, I have been employed in different jobs in the UK (never self-employed) and always paid all the taxes required, had P60s etc. I have been declaring my UK income in Italy through a tax return every year, the Italian HMRC has assessed my income, which taxes I've paid in the UK, and then each year they calculate whether I need to pay any additional tax in Italy which I have done when needed. I however realised that I might have missed an important step. I rent in the UK, but I own a property in Italy (I earn no income from it however). This has been declared to Italian HMRC but I have never declared it to UK HMRC, as I did not realise this might have been needed... is that something I need to be doing?! I also had a part-time job in Italy (mostly online and sometimes in person when I was in Italy physically, whilst simultaneously also working/studying in the UK, during Covid). This has now ended as it was a couple of years ago. Again, I declared both my Italian and UK income to Italian HMRC and paid any additional taxes needed - but again, I did not declare the Italian income to the UK as I did not know it was needed. What do I do? Will I get in trouble? Thank you