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  • Child tax credits - help staying below £100k earnings

    Hi, I'm looking for help with my financial situation. I own a property which is effected by the cladding scandal which I can't sell so iv become a landlord essentially as I had no other option after starting a family and needing a bigger house. My issue now is my rental income next year will take my total earnings over £100k to £103k meaning il lose my child tax credits. So right now the only options I see are to reduce what I charge in rent meaning il be renting at a financial loss or reject my payrise which iv worked very hard for. Essentially right now I get £21k in rental income before tax. I can't rental via a company or buisness this has to be in my name so these earnings will appear on my p60 as far as I'm aware. So my question is, is there any way I can reduce what appears on my p60 from salary via any kind of investment/purchase/pension? Or anything I haven't mentioned. As you can see I'm stuck between a rock and a hard place due to the rental income. Unfortunately I will not be able to sell the apartment for 2 years so I need a solution or face renting at a loss or rejecting pay rises which I really shouldn't have to do however like most cladding affected people we get very little assistance or advice/guidance. What legal options are available to reduce my total earnings to still allow me to claim child tax credits for nursery and nor operate at a loss renting out and not rejecting hard earned pay rises? Thanks in advance for any advise sorry I know its a long one.