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  • How is early repayment CT interest taxable?

    Hello, I have a few questions. I paid corporation tax early, so the interest is growing. The total tax owed for 23-24 was about £4,000. I paid £3930 because there was a credit of £70 on the account. Now, this was the final corporation tax return (ceased trading) and I plan to file a DS01. Until I file a DS01, the early repayment interest still grows, so I'll in credit for about £200 by then. How do I pay tax on that? technically, form £200 I should pay about £40 tax, then get a return of £160. But I already stopped trading and filed final CT. Do I need to do anything? Does HMRC handles this automatically? Thanks
  • Payroll submitted twice in a month

    Hello, I just changed my accountant, and there was a payroll submitted on 26th of April by my previous accountant. Now my new accountant submitted the payroll again on 2nd of May, same amount. They say everything is ok and "second FPS overwrites the first one" but I don't see it that way. When I login to HMRC app, I see two payments, one for 26th April and another on 2nd of May (for the same amount) It says there (in my personal HMRC app): """ Your employer sent both the individual and total amounts displayed. The individual amounts do not add up to the total they have sent. When this happens we use the total amounts as your figures for the tax year. """ Is that bad, should this be fixed? Thanks
  • Please explain to me the corporation place of management

    Hi, hope you're doing well. I need to help to understand the corporation place of management. I want to open a company abroad in the EU and move there for work. Given: I'm UK resident, I open a company in the EU on 20th May 2024. Then I sign a contract with a client for my EU company also on 20th of May for provision of services starting from 1st of June 2024. Leave the UK on 1st of June to the EU and start providing services/working through my EU LTD. Is my understanding correct that the corporate place of management will be in the EU rather than UK and I don't owe any UK tax? The law says that it's determined by where "decisions are made", but I made the decision to open the company and sign a contract whilst in the UK. On other hand, the actual services/trading/work will be done while I was no longer UK resident. Thanks