Employee Share Incentive Plan -CGT
Following redundancy and leaving the business, I was presented with 2 options by the Share Purchase Plan administrator, regarding the Plan I had been investing for several years: #1- Sell some or all of shares immediately #2- Keep shares and transfer them to a Corporate Nominee Service (from where the shares can be sold immediately or at a time of choosing). What is the CGT Treatment for both of these options? For Option #1- I understand no CGT would be applied- is this correct? For Option #2- I understand CGT would only be applied if the market value of the shares on the date of sale are greater than the value on the day the shares were released from the plan (CGT applied on the increment only if any). Therefore if the market value at point of sale was the same as value on date of leaving the plan, no CGT would be applied- is this correct? Thanks in advance for clarifying CGT relating to both options.