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  • RE: how to fill SA108 form by online

    Hi, What is and How to give any other information in SA108 space? Is it the name and number of overseas securities? Do I need to provide additional details or calculations of the gain or loss? Where and how to report them if yes? Thank you!
  • RE: Tax Relief On SIPP

    Hi, I am a basic tax rate payer. Do I need to report my contribution to a SIPP through Self-Assessment SA as the SIPP provider claimed tax relief for mine? If yes, where and how do I report it in the SA forms. Thank you
  • RE: Hong Kong Employer

    Hi, Thank you! How about her salary (income) from her Hong Kong (HK) employer if she goes back to Hong Kong and she works in HK for 4 months. Then, she will come back to the UK. Her salary from the HK employer need to be taxed in the UK? How to report it in the Self assessment if yes? Please help to clarify. Thanks!
  • RE: Hong Kong Employer

    Hi, My wife have moved to the UK from Hong Kong (HK) and since the move, I had been HK to work for her HK employer for four months. Her HK employer has no business nor established any office in the EU/UK and also not planned to have any in the future. My question is, in such situation, Her wage from my HK employer need to be taxed in the UK? How to report it in the Self assessment if yes? And also, since she got paid to her HK bank account (HK employee contract), but as a tax resident, she will also need to handle the PAYE using the DCNI scheme on her own, which is something that my employer does not need to involve. Please help to clarify. Thanks