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  • RE: Foreign National Fully UK Retired Back to Home Country

    Thank you for your reply. From the guidance: INTM343040 - DT claims and applications - Types of income: Pensions and Annuities. The NHS Pension is Non - Government. It is paid by NHSBSA, Capita may have a Contract to pay Pensions to Public Sector workers. There is a cautionary note for Capita: ( Care will be needed where an application for relief from UK tax shows CAPITA as the payer of the pension.CAPITA is a private company that has won a number of contracts to pay pensions to public sector workers.) If DT UK relief is available for the NHS Pension, which is the relevant form to file, please? Thank you.
  • RE: Foreign National Fully UK Retired Back to Home Country

    Thank you for your reply. When I called HMRC, was advised that I would be treated as a Split Year Taxation I am to file P85, and SA100/109, for 2024/2025 when due. I will be fully retired back in Malaysia, the only income would be the UK NHS Pension and the UK State Pension. With the Double Taxation Treaty, would both these UK Pensions be taxed in the U.K or / and taxed in Malaysia. Are there any forms to file for the UK part? Would the start date be when I leave the U.K? in late August 2024. Thank you.
  • Foreign National Fully UK Retired Back to Home Country

    I have queries on the procedure informing HMRC and forms to fill and when to submit about my full retirement from U.K employment, and as a foreign national returning to my home nation permanently. I left employment at the end of April, 2024 , and sources of income now is an Occupational and a State Pension. Another income is non Coded from stock dividends. All stocks would be sold before leaving the UK in late Aug, 2024. I have been filing Self Assessment for about 7 years annually. I am confused about form P85 and SA for 2024/2025 to be filed when due. Filing Online and also by Post. If by Post, are forms available to download. Any advice greatly appreciated. Thank you.