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  • Questions related to Self Assessment

    Q1) The start date of Split Year I will come to UK on 30 June 2024. However, I have resident rental contract effective on 1 May 2024 that is earlier than the date I will come to the UK. Will the split year start date be on 1 May or 30 June? Q2) Family Expenses I was a non-UK resident and my wife was a UK resident. If I transfer monthly family expenses from my non-UK bank to her UK bank. Will she need to declare UK tax and fill in the tax return for these family expenses? Q3) Interest from UK bank I was a non-UK resident. I earned some interested income from UK bank and the bank interest is my ONLY income in UK. I believe this interest income will be treated as “Disregarded income” as a non UK tax resident. For this case, do I need to report this interest income arising in the UK and fill in the tax return?