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  • RE: How to correctly enter US dividends in online tax return?

    Many thanks for your response. Having unsuccessfully tried 2-3 times on previous days, it worked this morning. (N.B. As a higher rate taxpayer, 15% was the appropriate rate.)
  • RE: How to correctly enter US dividends in online tax return?

    HMRC, are you able to respond please? I should add that, having completed my self-assessment, this income is not appearing in View your calculation. Should I submit my Self-Assessment and assume you will be manually taking this into account? Look forward to hearing from you.
  • RE: How to correctly enter US dividends in online tax return?

    Hi, I have a similar query for my 2022/23 Self-Assessment but, having followed the advice above, am receiving an error message. My context is slightly different because my US dividends are less than £2000 but I do have UK dividends in excess of £2000. The " tailor your return" notes for Foreign Income state "also select 'Yes' if you want to claim Foreign Tax Credit Relief ..." which presumably applies in my case. I've followed the instructions in the original thread: Country = USA; Amount of Income arising before tax taken off = 1062; foreign tax taken off = 160; special withholding tax = blank; do you wish to claim foreign tax credit relief = YES; rate of tax credit relief allowed = 15% selected from drop down box. When clicking "ADD", I get an error message "WARNING:Make sure you have selected and entered the correct amount of Foreign Tax Credit Relief. Select the percentage rate from the list provided". ... which of course I have done.