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  • RE: Gifting a property CGT / Inheritance tax

    Sorry - I did not phone the IHT team so I do not know the answer. If you call them - please post their response
  • Gifting a property CGT / Inheritance tax

    I am investigating how to reduce the value of my mother's estate to lower the potential IHT liability upon her death. Her estate is currently valued above the personal allowance, including the nil rate band for her home. She owns some land that she acquired several decades ago [non-residential, non-rented], which has increased in value significantly. I am considering the tax implications of her gifting the land to me. I would like to confirm my understanding of CGT and IHT: a) CGT would be due at the time of the gift, based on the increase in value over her ownership period. b) The rate of CGT would be 10% or 20%, since it is non-residential property (and not 18%/28%, which applies to residential property). c) Regarding IHT, the 7-year tapering "clock" would start on the date of the gift. d) If my mother were to pass away within 7 years of the gift, the full value of the gift would be added to her estate for IHT purposes. There would be no taper relief in the first 3 years, so if she were to pass away 1 year after the gift, the IHT would be 40% of the value of the gift. This seems to imply that the gift is effectively taxed twice—first through CGT and then potentially through IHT if she passes within the 7-year period. Is this understanding correct?