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  • RE: UK Tax Resident Being Taxed At-Source in Australia

    Thanks for the reply. Will the SA106 Foreign Tax Relief allow me to offset all of the tax I have paid in Australia against the tax owed in the UK? How does this work - do HMRC actively seek the relief amount from the Australia Tax Office?
  • UK Tax Resident Being Taxed At-Source in Australia

    I have a query regarding my 2022-2023 self-assessment tax return. I live in the UK and am a tax resident here. I moved back to the UK from Australia in February 2023 but kept my Australian job (which I still have) and this is paid in Australian dollars into an Australian bank account. I have been getting taxed by the Australian government even though I am not an Australian tax resident since February 2023 (when I returned to the UK). What is the mechanism for claiming back the tax from the Australian government that I have paid when I didn't need to? This appears to be done via my tax return in the UK, through self-assessment form SA106, declare what tax relief I think that I should get and then HMRC do the rest, presumably talking to the Australian government and claiming the tax back on my behalf? I have tried to google this and look at HMRC manuals but it doesn't seem simple.