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  • RE: Calculating adjusted net income for tax free childcare / 30 free hours

    I've just had a call with HMRC that my collective earnings will go to 101,000. These are made up from a salary of 87.5k and and a rented flat at 13.5k. I've just sold the flat as of March 31st 2024. The agent on the phone said I could potentially bring earnings down by putting money in a private pension. 1) How much would I need to put in the private pension to bring me back under? 2) As the flat is now sold, but I owned it for all of the previous tax year, is the above private pension even an option i.e. aren't they going to continually calculate my net income based on the entire previous tax year, so I can't affect it now? 3) Or if not the case, and I immediately place X amount into a private pension, when will I be able to claim childcare again? Thanks for any help.