RE: Transferring personal money to UK
Hi I have savings invested through an offshore account which I earned as income from employment while a resident in Dubai. I'm now a resident in the UK and would like to transfer said savings to the UK. As of now, the capital I invested (i.e., my saivings) has not increased and I have not earned any interest from it. What would be the UK tax treatment of my savings as I transfer them to the UK? My undersanding is that my savings would NOT be taxed in the UK because I've already paid all the tax due in Dubai, which is a jurisdiction with no income tax. Is this correct? When I put this same question to an HMRC tax tecnician, they asked me if I paid tax on my income in the jurisdiction where I earned it. I said that I didn't, given that Dubai is a income tax free jurisdiction. So, they said that I would have to pay tax when I brought my savings to the UK. My understanding is that this is NOT correct. If you could please confirm? Lastly, would I have to fill in a self-assessment tax return in relation to these savings? Thank you