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  • RE: Waiting for refund still

    Why is there no response?
  • Waiting for refund still

    Hello I’ve been waiting for my tax refund since 06/04/2023 they asked for I’d checks and I set all this in on the 15/05/2023 they were completed I submitted my latest one on the 06/04/2024 and that’s not been realised either why is it taking so long they have not even requested more infomation
  • Tax refund been pending over a year

    Hello I submitted my tax return last year 06/04/2023 and they asked for my ID and bank statements for checks I submitted them all and they went to completed on the 16/05/2023 and my repayment has still not been issued. I submitted this years return on the 06/04/2024 and still nothing I ring every other week and all they keep telling me is they have put a referral in they been doing this months now has anyone got any ideas what I could do the last thing they told me was wait till 3rd of June 2024 and I should have a response but it’s been well over a year