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  • Contribution taken out from sole proprietorship in Hong Kong

    Background: I am filling in self assessment for 2023/2024. I moved to UK in Sep 2023 and split year applies to me. I owns a sole proprietorship registered in Hong Kong. I do not provide any salary to myself in the business, instead profit were payout to myself depending on profits earned at year ended. Profits are kept my Hong Kong Bank accounts and the profits are already taxed in Hong Kong. Both turnover and profits are below GBP6K. Enquiries: 1/ I would like to check which forms and which part of the form should I filled in? 2/ Since the profit payout is not in form of salary. Should I only filled in instead of ? 3/ I am not sure which section under "Foreign" should I filled in. Should I filled the amount of profits after tax under "Dividends from foreign companies"?