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  • RE: RE: Residence, remittance basis etc

    Just would like to confirm - I can report my tax online for SA100, SA102, SA106 then post the SA109 to HMRC?? Or I need to switch to paper form and post all the forms to you?? Thanks.
  • RE: Split year treatment

    Hi HMRC, Thanks for your reply. However, in Box 3.1 of SA109, it asks me to put a "X" if more than 1 case of split year treatment applies. Is it mean that there is chance that I could meet more than 1 case, please? Thanks. Best Regards, Ed
  • RE: RE: Overseas Dividend Reporting

    Hi HMRC, Thanks a lot. One final question (hopefully), if I use spot rate, there are two rates (Mar2024/Dec2023) available covering the tax year 2023-2024. May I know is there any rule to determine which I should use? Thanks. Best Regards, Ed
  • RE: Residence, remittance basis etc

    Hi HMRC, I am filing my tax self assessment online. However, I need to apply for split year treatment but it appears that there is no option in the online system to apply for such treatment. May I know how can I apply for it online? Or I must apply for paper return for such application? Thanks. Best Regards, Ed
  • Split year treatment

    Hi HMRC, I am a bit confused by Case 4 (RDRM12150) and 8 (RDRM12270) of split year treatment. I am a tax resident in 2023-2024 but not in 2022-2023; and I have no tie and never been to UK before the split year date. I have no property owned worldwide but just rented one in UK from 1 Aug 2023 to now. My question is: can I both meet the criteria for Case 4 and Case 8 (for split year from 1 Aug 2023)?? Thanks. Best Regards, Ed
  • Tax for i-bond from Hong Kong Government

    Hi HMRC, May I know which field I should report for investment bond issued by Hong Kong Government (i-bond), please? Dividend or capital gain or interest or other? Thanks a lot. Best Regards, Ed
  • RE: RE: Overseas Dividend Reporting

    Hi HMRC, Thanks for your reply. Yet, for the exchange rate, the link above was last updated on 31/3/2023. May I have the rates for this 2023-2024 tax year, please? Thanks. Best Regards, Ed
  • RE: PAYE and Tax Refund

    Hi HMRC, I am a tax resident but I have only been in UK for 7 months in tax year 2023-2024. Yet, my employer deduced the tax (basic rate) from my salary as if I worked for the whole tax year. I don't have other full time job. May I know:- (1) Do I need to fill in the SA102? (2) The tax is over-charged and may I know how to claim the overcharged tax? Thanks a lot. Ed
  • RE: Overseas Dividend Reporting

    Hi HMRC, I have some stocks in Hong Kong that generate some dividends. I am a tax resident in the year 2023-2024 paying basic rate. I have a few questions: (1) Is there any allowance for dividend? If yes, how much for the 2023-2024? (2) If there is an allowance, do I need to report the dividends if it is LESS than the allowance (I have other foreign income like bank interest to report)? (3) If I need to report, I should be reporting in SA100. Should I also need to file a SA106, please? (4) Finally, what is the exchange rate as the dividends were in HKD. Thanks a lot for your kind assistance. Best Regards, Ed