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  • RE: State Pension Query.

    WarningThis post is currently being moderated and will be visible when it has been approved by a HMRC moderator.
  • RE: State Pension Query.

    Hello, I have had my first State Pension payment on December 24th, will DWP notify you of this please?
  • RE: State Pension Query.

    Thanks but, the link you have provided doesn't work it tells me I cannot be found on the Sharepoint directory
  • RE: State Pension Query.

    Hello, with regard to the up coming tax changes for those living in the EU, how can I find out if this applies to my NHS Pension please? NHSBSA tells me its a Govt pension but other sources tells me its non Govt. As I understand it all Govt based pensions will have to be taxed in UK when changes take place. I have just qualified for my State pension which I guess can be taxed in UK or here in Cyprus? Thanks.
  • Tax and State Pension

    Does anyone know if HMRC are notified by DWP of when you commence SP payments please?
  • RE: State Pension Query.

    Have you created a Govt Gateway account where you can update your details?? I moved 2022 to a non UK address and had no problems changing address. From memory the gateway account is easy to set up.