Exchanged on property in March, completed in April. Initially attempted to submit CGT on ‘Declare and Pay CGT’ via HMRC website. As this coincided with end of financial year I waited for P60 to submit salary figure required on form. Once I got P60 I decided to do my self assessment and include the CGT figures in this thinking it would be easier. I used the appropriate page and calculator provided, arriving at the same figure I had got to using my own workings. Having submitted my return, the amount of CGT I have to pay is now showing in my statement as a ‘balancing payment’ due by end of Jan 2025? I thought CGT had to be paid within 60 days. If you declare CGT via self asses, you can longer submit the original ‘Declare and Pay’ form. Consequently I am confused, but just want to pay , and importantly avoid any late payment penalties. Needless to say I have made numerous calls to HMRC without getting through…..does anybody actually get to talk to HMRC? With a closing deadline, this situation is giving me considerable stress. Any advice or contact with advice/instruction from HMRC would be very much appreciated.