You should report any income from reporting funds, including any excess reported income, on your Self-Assessment return.
The type of income you are treated as receiving depends on the type of offshore fund you hold an interest in:
- If the offshore fund is a company and more than 60% of its investments are in interest bearing assets, then you should report the income as interest, this type of fund is commonly referred to as a ‘bond fund’.
- If the offshore fund is a company but is not a ‘bond fund’, then you should report the income as a dividend.
- If the offshore fund is ‘transparent’, then income arising from the offshore fund retains its original character, this could be a mixture of different types of income (for example, property income, dividends, or interest) which you should report separately.
- If the offshore fund is a unit trust which is non-transparent, then you should report the income as miscellaneous income.
If you are unsure about which of these categories applies to you, you should contact the fund manager to seek advice.
Thank you.