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  • RE: NHS pension contributions as locum GP

    Hi, Dendroica,
    You do not deduct from the self employed profits, as this is not an expense of your business.  
    It is only after your net profit is calculated that the pension payment can be declared in box 3 on page TR4.
    Thank you.
  • RE: Money from selling property oversea

    Hi Cornelia59 Silson,
    Please see guidance here:-   Tax when you sell your home Private Residence Relief
    Thank you.

  • RE: ISA’s from April 2024

    Hi 613TX,
    If you invest £20,000 in the  tax year, 6 April 24 to 5 April 2025 you will need to wait until the next tax year 6 Arril 2025 to 5 April 2026 to invest a further £20,000 in any ISA account.  
    Please have a look at the guidance on ISAs here: Individual Savings Accounts (ISAs)
    Thank you.

  • RE: Capital Gains Home Improvement Deductions

    HMRC cannot give clearance before a gain is declared.
    I can only signpost you to the guidance at CG15120 which is limited to the four categories for expenditure allowable under TCGA92/S38 and no other expenditure is allowable unless specifically provided for by TCGA92/S38.
    CG15250 covers incidental costs of acquisition and disposal which are allowable and regarding your question, only fees, commission or remuneration paid for the professional services of any surveyor, valuer, auctioneer, accountant, agent or legal adviser are allowable.
    It is important to remember that the taxation of capital gains is concerned with the gain on the disposal of assets and not the finance costs connected to the transaction.
    The expenses you describe does not appear to meet any of the examples listed at CG15250 but under self assessment principles it is your responsibility to make the final decision based on the available guidance. 
    Thank you.
  • RE: Paying Class 2 NIC's from abroad - how to specify which years

    When you make your payment of voluntary National Insurance contributions, please allow 10 working days for your payment to be recorded on your
    National Insurance account and then call our National Insurance Helpline 0300 200 3500 (from the UK) or +44 191 203 7010 (from overseas) and let
    them know what tax years that you’d like your payment to go to.
    Thank you.
  • RE: Unsuccessful Corporation Tax Submission

    We are sorry to hear you are having issues filing online.
    Unfortunately we do not have access to your records on this forum.
    For assistance you would need to contact the online helpdesk: Technical support with HMRC online services
    Thank you.
  • RE: Mechanism for paying class 2 NI contributions from abroad

    When you make your payment of voluntary National Insurance contributions, please allow 10 working days for your payment to be recorded on your
    National Insurance account and then call our National Insurance Helpline 0300 200 3500 (from the UK) or +44 191 203 7010 (from overseas) and let
    them know what tax years that you’d like your payment to go to.
    Thank you.
  • RE: Salary Sacrifice: tapered pension allowance calc

    Hi GUY101,
    You work out the adjusted net income figure by deducting certain figures from their net income, we call the figure we then have their adjusted net income.

    add together the total income liable to income tax
    This includes:
    income from employment before tax
    profits from self employment
    employment benefits (for example medical benefit, car benefit)
    pensions including State Pension
    income from property
    gross savings and dividends

    deduct any allowable reliefs
    This includes:
    Professional Subscriptions
    Flat Rate Expenses
    Job Expenses
    Payments to pension schemes that have been made without deduction of tax (a gross payment)
    Trading losses (early trade loss, trade loss relief against general income, property loss relief against general income)
    Qualifying loan interest payments
    deduct any grossed up:
    Gift Aid donations
    pension contributions.

    Do not deduct any pension payments made under net pay arrangements, these are deducted from salary before the employer provides PAYE and are therefore ignored for the purposes of calculating adjusted net income
    Add any relief claimed for payments to trade unions or police organisations.

    Thank you.
  • RE: Overpaid NI - how to claim back?

    If you believe you have overpaid National Insurance, the first thing to do would be to speak to your Employer/s to get a refund.
    However if you either do not want to contact your employer or you can nott or they refuse to refund you, then you can write into HMRC to the address below:
    Payment Reconciliation Team
    National Insurance Contributions and Employer Office
    HM Revenue and Customs
    BX9 1AN
    Your letter should include the following information:
    •    why you think you have overpaid
    •    which tax years and which class of NICs are overpaid
    •    your National Insurance number
    •    if employed - a P60 or statement from your employer or employers showing NICs deducted from your wages during the tax year
    •    your bank account name, sort code and account number for any refund due to be paid into
    •    Explain that you do not wish to or can not contact your employer/s or your employer/s have refused to refund you.
    Thank you.
  • RE: Applied for A1/S1, only received A1

    If your wife could complete and return form CA8421 then our International Team will be able to provide her with an S1 if appropriate – she may obtain this via:
    Apply for a certificate to confirm you pay UK National Insurance when working in 2 or more countries (CA8421).  
    If she needs an S1 for a dependant then we will need a CA8454 – this may be obtained via:  
    Apply for healthcare cover in the EU, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway or Switzerland (CA8454)
    Thank you.