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Posted Tue, 09 Apr 2024 22:06:33 GMT by devids1 Cafini
Hi there, I'm registered as a sole trader and run a small motorcycle clothing repair business based in the UK. I'm getting more and more enquiries from customers who are from the EU as they like my work and I would like to know what charges we both might come across when sending parcels to each other. Obviously I'm not VAT registered. Will I need to pay anything when receiving parcels from the EU even if those items will be sent back after they have been repaired? Thanks Devid
Posted Wed, 10 Apr 2024 12:50:16 GMT by Customs oldtimer
As an initial answer you would be charged import VAT and import duty on anything imported. There are however duty and VAT reliefs for goods imported for repair . If you do this more than a few times a year then you will need to apply for approval to use the scheme , inward processing; from HMRC. Look up - Import goods for processing or repair on the .Gov website
Posted Sun, 14 Apr 2024 14:22:55 GMT by devids1 Cafini
Thank you for the info.
Posted Thu, 18 Apr 2024 12:00:54 GMT by HMRC Admin 2

Normally if you receive goods from outside the UK then these will be subject to VAT. However, if these goods are coming in temporarily for the purpose of being worked on and re-exported, then there may be relief available.

Please contact our international trade team for further advice.

Imports and exports: general enquiries

Thank you.

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