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Posted Thu, 11 Jul 2024 07:44:04 GMT by george alldridge
Hi. I just trying to get some clarity on when I'm allowed to sell my car, once I've returned to the UK, (after exporting it using the personal export scheme). In the Personal Export Scheme (VAT Notice 707) - GOV.UK ( specifically, it doesn’t mention anything about waiting to sell 12 months after re-importing. But I know this is the case with ToR relief. Also, in the conditions on the VAT410 form (number 5) is says 'you must dispose of the vehicle in the UK, by hire, pledge, gift or sale..'. But I assume this before you have exported the vehicle? It isn't clear. There is also no time limit on this statement. Obviously at some point I'm going to sell this car - but the statement makes it sound like I'm never allowed to do this. Which I'm sure isn't the case. Thanks for the help, George
Posted Wed, 17 Jul 2024 09:59:09 GMT by HMRC Admin 20 Response
Please contact VAPT helpline for advice on your query, their contact details are on below link:
VAT: general enquiries
Thank you.


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