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Posted Wed, 03 Jan 2024 13:37:09 GMT by Beck
I’d like to buy some hard-to-find technical books from the USA, for personal use. The seller has told me that as books the package will be VAT exempt, which looks right but I’m finding it very hard to find a definitive answer. Is that correct? Also - the total cost is around the crucial £135 amount, depending on the current exchange rate. If over £135, would I still be liable for import duty, whether or not the items are VAT exempt? Any help or advice gratefully received
Posted Mon, 08 Jan 2024 15:44:21 GMT by Customs oldtimer
Books are generally duty and VAT free . There is no difference for personal use or otherwise. You can look in the UK tariff schedule if you want to make sure yourself.
Posted Wed, 10 Jan 2024 15:25:58 GMT by HMRC Admin 20
Hi Beck,
As they are books then they should be zero rated for VAT.
Please see the guidance below:
Zero rating books and printed matter (VAT Notice 701/10)
I would contact our International Trade Team regarding any duty implications.
Please see below:
Imports and exports: general enquiries
Thank you.

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