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Posted Tue, 19 Mar 2024 10:01:04 GMT by Julia_K
Dear all, I represent a company based in the UK focused on the import and online sale of food supplements from the EU and the USA to UK consumers. Our operations encompass the entire sales process, including payment processing, return policies, product quality, health and labelling compliance, importing, direct-to-consumer support, and sales terms. We plan to conduct our sales online and have partnered with a third-party for storage and distribution. Given our comprehensive management of these processes and the lack of a physical office—our current address is virtual and can receive post—we seek clarification on our eligibility for Food Business Operator (FBO) registration using a virtual address. Could you advise if registering as an FBO with a virtual address is permissible? If it is not allowed, could you please direct me to the specific legislation stating that FBOs cannot use a virtual address and must manage all operations directly? Furthermore, considering our business model, what would be the appropriate FBO registration status for us? Would "food broker" be accurate? Registration as an FBO is crucial for our operations, especially for importing food supplements, as the labels must list a local UK company with an FBO license as the importer.
Posted Tue, 16 Apr 2024 12:23:58 GMT by HMRC Admin 19

You can see guidance here:

Food business registration

Thank you.

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