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Posted Fri, 15 Dec 2023 10:43:58 GMT by johannis Lentham
Hi, hope you can help me understand an ongoing situation. We have been importing particular products from a company in Sweden for a number of years. We used to a level of extra charges, duty, tax etc. Our last delivery attracted a charge that was double the usual amount and i queried it with UPS. After months of hearing nothing (and having the debt moved to a debt collecting agency) I have finally found out that the extra charge was anti dumping duty. The supplier claims to have done nothing different with their commercial invoice. stating commdity code 6911100090. As i understand it, the duty is designed to avoid importing goods (in this case from Europe) which could be sourced directly from the county of manufacture (in this case China) These products are made specfically for this company in China, but the only place i can buy them is directly from the company in Sweden. The extra charge makes it practically impossible to sell them. Is there anyway of this situation being avoided?
Posted Fri, 15 Dec 2023 15:48:40 GMT by Customs oldtimer
Hi Anti dumping duty is a measure designed to discourage cheap imports of specified goods from certain countries entering the UK by charging an additional duty. The object of the additional duty is to equalise the cost to make an import equal to domestic production. There is a long standing anti dumping duty on ceramic kitchen and tableware made in China. On the commodity code mentioned There is a standard additional duty of 36.1% on top of the 12% duty but some Chinese factories have a lower duty rate provided the correct statement from the manufacturer is included on the invoice. There are different statements for direct and indirect imports.Details are in the UK tariff schedule. The measure applies to both direct and indirect imports. The EU also applies Anti dumping duties to ceramics made in China therefore it is possible that your Swedish supplier has already paid EU duties which are included in their prices. It is worth checking with your supplier. Unfortunately since Brexit any duty already paid in the EU makes no difference to the duty due in the UK. It may be cheaper if you can arrange with your supplier direct shipping from China to you rather than importing into Sweden first. If you have not been charged anti dumping duty previously there is a possibility that the correct country of origin ( China) has not been declared. You are therefore at risk of post import charges. I would recommend that you check previous imports and if necessary make a voluntary disclosure to HMRC.
Posted Tue, 19 Dec 2023 15:48:06 GMT by HMRC Admin 19 Response

Although goods are imported from Sweden, if the country of origin of the goods is not Sweden, charges will be applicable. 

As per trade tariff, country of origin as China will have anti-dumping duty applicable, full details are available here:

UK Integrated Online Tariff

You can see more information on rules of origin here:

Check your goods meet the rules of origin

Thank you.

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