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  • Importing products subject to Anti-Dumping legislation?

    Hi, hope you can help me understand an ongoing situation. We have been importing particular products from a company in Sweden for a number of years. We used to a level of extra charges, duty, tax etc. Our last delivery attracted a charge that was double the usual amount and i queried it with UPS. After months of hearing nothing (and having the debt moved to a debt collecting agency) I have finally found out that the extra charge was anti dumping duty. The supplier claims to have done nothing different with their commercial invoice. stating commdity code 6911100090. As i understand it, the duty is designed to avoid importing goods (in this case from Europe) which could be sourced directly from the county of manufacture (in this case China) These products are made specfically for this company in China, but the only place i can buy them is directly from the company in Sweden. The extra charge makes it practically impossible to sell them. Is there anyway of this situation being avoided?