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Posted Sun, 29 Oct 2023 09:03:50 GMT by gbforum
Non business import of items bought overseas from EU and / or worldwide, and tax paid in country of purchase. Do I need to also pay VAT and import charges upon entering the UK through a courier service.
Posted Mon, 30 Oct 2023 13:17:03 GMT by Customs oldtimer
The answer will depend on where, how and from whom you have purchased the goods and also the good’s value and what type of goods. Whether you have paid another country’s taxes is not relevant to whether UK taxes are due. If you have purchased on line then you should check the terms and conditions of the seller. They should say who is responsible for the import taxes. All goods of any value are subject to UK VAT. In some cases when you have purchased online and the goods are below £135 this will be charged to you by the seller otherwise you will be asked by the courier to pay prior to delivery. Some goods over £135 will be charged UK import duty. Also the courier may charge a fee for collecting the taxes.
Posted Thu, 02 Nov 2023 11:11:52 GMT by HMRC Admin 25
Bringing goods into the UK for personal use is covered in below guidance.
Bringing goods into the UK for personal use
Thank you. 

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