Thank you for your question. A Declaration of Trust is a legally binding document that creates a trust. Most types of trust giving an interest in property to somebody who is not the legal owner
now need to be registered with HMRC via the Trust Registration Service. You can find guidance on the registration requirements and how to register here, Register a trust as a trustee -
GOV.UK (www.gov.uk). There is also more information about what types of trust need to be registered at TRSM23050 - Types of trust that need to be registered: contents: excluded express
trusts: contents: property ownership - HMRC internal manual - GOV.UK (www.gov.uk). There is no capital gain when a property is transferred between a husband and wife. Claim for interest
relief can only be made by the person that takes out the loan and pays the interest on the loan. Please see:
Savings and Investment Manual
Thank you.