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Posted 12 months ago by Caraxx
I currently pay our PAYE liability by setting up a single payment each month. I use HMRC basic tools. I just read in the HMRC employer bulletin that it's possible to set up a variable direct debit so that HMRC automatically take the payment due as per the FPS. Although I have also found reference to this whilst logged into our HMRC account, I can't find out how to set this up as the system keeps taking me round and round in circles. Can anyone help with a direct link or instructions please? Thank you.
Posted 11 months ago by HMRC Admin 19 Response

You can see guidance here:

Pay employers' PAYE

You can set up the Direct Debit through your online account.

Thank you.
Posted 11 months ago by Caraxx
I have already read all the guidance and noted that it said that the DD can be set up through the online account but when I try to do this I just keep getting sent around in circles (as I mentioned in my post). If I try to set up a new DD, it only gives the option to set up a single payment (as if paying for a particular month). How do I set up the variable (automatic) DD?
Posted 11 months ago by HMRC Admin 2 Response

Please contact the employers team and we can help you set this up.

Employers: general enquiries

Thank you.
Posted 11 months ago by Caraxx
I really don't want to have to phone anyone. Making phone calls to try to do any business is very stressful for me and holding on in a queue is expensive in time and phone call cost. Why can't someone just explain on this forum? The answer would then also be here for someone else to see if they need to know.
Posted 11 months ago by HMRC Admin 17 Response

Hi ,
As you have stated that the guidance isnt assisting you, it suggests there may be a more complex issue preventing you from setting this up.

This would require us to investigate your account specifically, something we cannot do on the forum.

If you do not wish to phone you may be able to use our webchat function which will allow you to speak to an adviser online.

You can access this by visiting .

Thank you .
Posted 7 months ago by NOX accounts varvolgyi
Hi, we're having the same issue/question. I'd like to set up a variable direct debit, and according to the information on it is possible by logging into our account. When I do that and start filling out the information, I end up at a question asking what amount I want to pay. And it's a mandatory field. If I want to pay a variable direct debit, then there is no need to give the monthly amount. I tried to call, but apparently due to long waiting times, they're not taking any calls and hang up. Please check the conflicting information on your website, and the fields in setting up the direct debit, and advise. Many thanks
Posted 7 months ago by HMRC Admin 17 Response

Hi ,
In order to set this up you would go to your business tax account home page or upcoming/overdue payments page and select the link
setting up a direct debit.

It may be that you are on the incorrect page for setting up a variable direct debit.

Thank you .

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