Hi dragnil,
The company has given you an exceptionally muddled explanation of the Marriage Allowance transfer scheme.
Basically, if two taxpayers are married or in a civil partnership, and one taxpayer has 10% of their tax-free allowance unused, they can opt to transfer this 10% to their partner.
If the partner receives this transfer during the tax year, the partner’s code is updated and they pay less tax on their regular wage; if they receive it after the tax year is over, their tax liability for that year is recalculated with the extra allowances, and a refund cheque is sent to the partner.
Taxpayers can request this transfer of allowances be applied for up to four years previous.
In a year where the tax-free allowances are set at £12570, for example, £1257 of allowances will usually be transferred to the recipient.
This usually equates to a refund of around £250.
No transfer is allowed is the recipient is a higher rate taxpayer.
If you’d like any more information on the transfer of allowances and whether you can apply, or if you’d like to discuss the 3rd party company who contacted you, please contact us via:
Income Tax: general enquiries
Thank you.