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Posted Sat, 14 Jan 2023 23:23:41 GMT by Alienlgm
hello, do I need to declare my income from selling on ebay and include these income in the tax return?
Posted Wed, 18 Jan 2023 14:18:55 GMT by HMRC Admin 19 Response

Possibly, you can see guidance here:

BIM59501 - Particular trades: internet trading

Thank you.
Posted Tue, 02 Jan 2024 11:09:01 GMT by
My wife and I make Pond Yacht sails between us and sell on e bay through my ebay account I do not understand about the £1000 limit but is the £1000 between us or is it £1000 each and is that profit or not, really confused, not that we make this much we are both retired? Than You
Posted Wed, 10 Jan 2024 10:50:31 GMT by HMRC Admin 5 Response
Hi Chuck Gaish

As you are selling the products through your account, you are the beneifical recipient of the sales income.  If your sales/turnover exceed £1000.00 in a tax year, you will need to register for self assessment as self employed and submit a tax return declaring the self employed turnover and expenses as well as the rest of your world-wide income and capital gains.

Thank you
Posted Sun, 14 Jan 2024 22:02:49 GMT by
Hi, I am not sure if I need to do this, I am a stay at home parent, my Partner works. My Nan, Mother-in-Law have both died recently and my Dad went into a Care home on Friday due dementia and neglecting himself. So we have a lot of stuff and trying to empty my dads house (& loft full of my stuff) to sell so that i have space to have space for him so i can hopefully care for him. So i have been selling a lot my stuff over the last year, around £5,000 of my own stuff through ebay (over about 100 lots), and i also as a hobby refurb old consoles which i sell on ebay which i have made a little over £2,000 from on ebay (about 30 lots) . I do not claim anything apart from child benefit that everyone gets and have no other wage. What do i need to do and do i ignore selling my own stuff? Thank you
Posted Wed, 17 Jan 2024 13:36:44 GMT by HMRC Admin 25
Hi Chris L,
You need to report this income under self employment so you will need to register for Self Assessment and complete a tax return.
Please see guidance here: 
Working for yourself
Thank you. 
Posted Fri, 19 Jan 2024 03:53:55 GMT by
Hi HMRC ADMIN 25, This started April 2023, from April 22 to 31/ March, I only sold £300 of stuff. So do i need to do it this soon or do i have to wait until after April but before October? Sorry really confused.
Posted Mon, 22 Jan 2024 14:35:39 GMT by HMRC Admin 10 Response
Hi Chris L
The action to take, depends on what was disposed of.  Was it personal possessions, such as jewellery, paintings, antiques, coins and stamps, sets of things, eg matching vases or chessmen (this list is not exhaustive).  If you disopose of of a personal possession for more than £6000, you may need to pay tax on it.  Have a look at Capital Gains Tax on personal possessions.  If you sold stock you have purchased, with the intention to sell online, then this is trading.  If your gross turnover exceeds £1000.00, then you will need to registed for self assessment as self employed.
Posted Sat, 03 Feb 2024 23:58:05 GMT by
Can I please seek clarification: Prior to a house move I am considering downsizing my personal belongings via selling them on eBay. These are all personal effects only, and of low value (eg, books, old magazines, ornaments, a few tools, old radios, kitchen equipment etc.) I will not be purchasing any stock to sell on for profit and all items are pre-owned by me. There will be perhaps 300 to 400 items maybe. I assume that I do not have to pay tax on the money I raise? Will I need to declare on my tax form? I have no idea what I paid for many of these these things years ago - does this matter? Will I need to keep some kind of proof that my sales are personal possessions only, and if so what? (I do not wish to be mistaken for a tax cheat!) Thanks
Posted Tue, 06 Feb 2024 20:26:57 GMT by
Dear HMRC Admin Hi I work full-time and obviously pay taxes automatically. I started selling alot of my designer and expensive personal items on ebay havemade way over the personal allowance in 23-24 tax year. Obviously I never knew I had to declare my eBay sales . I only found out a week ago when I came across the ebay seller tax online . I was gifted pretty much all of my stuff by my past partners . I continue yo sell my stuff on ebay current year , 2024. Will I have to declare this by January 2025 ? As I have missed the deadline for 31 Jan 2024 . Please advise Thank you.
Posted Tue, 06 Feb 2024 20:29:06 GMT by
I am not really familiar with tax laws and thought my employment tax was the only tax I had to pay. I don't want to be in any trouble. I am an honest citizen. Thanks
Posted Wed, 07 Feb 2024 10:50:50 GMT by HMRC Admin 19 Response

You can see guidance here:

Selling online and paying taxes - information sheet

Thank you.
Posted Fri, 09 Feb 2024 13:10:11 GMT by HMRC Admin 19 Response
Hi Shahlana Naserlouei,

You can see guidance here:

Selling online and paying taxes - information sheet

Income needs to be declared in the tax year that it is earned, so anything earned up to 5 April 2023 will now need to be declared.

Thank you.
Posted Tue, 26 Mar 2024 09:24:59 GMT by Bunster
Just closed my eBay account. I buy a shirt in May for £30 wear it maybe 6 times then decide I would like to sell it on eBay. It goes for £15. Bought out of taxed income. Loss of £15 on purchase price but have. A) got some money back B) recycled / saved from throwing away. If this was a one off then no problem. But no, I do this with lots of personal possessions. Shoes, golf clubs, old records/CDs etc. it sends me over the 30 per year limit (ridiculously low) and past the £1,000 threashold (again, ridiculously low). What has the world come to when you can’t even sell your old stuff you have bought and paid for out of taxed income without the HMRC wanting their grubby little cut.
Posted Thu, 28 Mar 2024 09:27:07 GMT by Braceby
I understand that I can be taxed on any profit I might make selling items on ebay. That being the case am I able to claim tax relief on any loss made on an item I sell
Posted Thu, 28 Mar 2024 10:11:47 GMT by HMRC Admin 25
Hi Bunster,
Please refer to guidance here:
Selling online and paying taxes - information sheet
Thank you. 
Posted Wed, 03 Apr 2024 10:04:22 GMT by HMRC Admin 2 Response

If you are claiming actual expenses in order to incur a loss, yes. However you will need to provide receipts in order to support your claim.

Thank you.
Posted Thu, 09 May 2024 20:54:39 GMT by ScoobyDoo
Why has the tax allowance amount of £1,000 not increased since APRIL 2017 - Yet everything we pay for, & get taxed on, has literally doubled in COST since that date? - Are there any plans to increase it in-line with INFLATION?! - Is this not just a tax on the less well-off, while ignoring the wealthier end who can afford accountants to "bend" tax rules & line their off-shore accounts?
Posted Wed, 15 May 2024 11:25:54 GMT by HMRC Admin 10 Response
These values are set in legislation and it is up to the government, not HMRC to change them.
Posted Wed, 15 May 2024 12:54:58 GMT by Redragon88 Price
Hello What happens if I am employed full time but also sell items online and that has surpassed £1,000 in the tax year?

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