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Posted Mon, 04 Sep 2023 08:50:59 GMT by Don L
Hello HMRC Admin I hope you are well. I just checked the 2023-24 tax year summary on my Government gateway account and noticed that under the section of 'Your income from other sources', there is a 'non-coded income' and 'Uk dividend' with an amount that I am not aware of. I have already checked my own bank and investment accounts. Is there anywhere on the gateway page that I can find the source of these incomes (e.g. where you drew the information from) so that I can verify if they are correct? Thank you. Kind regards 

Name removed admin 
Posted Wed, 06 Sep 2023 15:54:44 GMT by HMRC Admin 20 Response
Hi Don L

You won't be able to see this online.
It may be an old figure that has been carried forward.
If you contact our helpline we can check this for you.
Self Assessment: general enquiries

Thank you.
Posted Fri, 31 May 2024 15:57:02 GMT by PhilinBoxX
Hi HMRC Admin My PAYE Income Tax summary for 6 April 2024 to 5 April 2025 on the HMRC website has outdated figures in the 'Income from other sources' section. I would appreciate your help in submitting an online request to remove this income from my summary. One of the outdated figures was £240 for Unit trust investment income and the income from that source ended in 2023-24. I started the online process to remove this myself starting at my Income Tax summary page. I got through to the screen 'Investment income that has ended' and selected Unit trust, which then showed 3 boxes for figures: 'Gross amount of this investment income', 'Amount of tax deducted at source' and 'Net amount of this investment income'. As this source of income has ended do I enter £240 or £0 in the 'Gross amount of this investment income' box? I apologise if this is explained somewhere but I couldn't find any guidance or help anywhere for this online. Thank you.
Posted Thu, 06 Jun 2024 07:32:03 GMT by HMRC Admin 25
Hi PhilinBoxX,
If no income then it would be a £0 entry and confirmation of the date source ended. 
Thank you. 

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