hello, I have seen in SA108 notes that there is a "computation working sheet" at the end, I can see it requires people to input: 1. Description of asset, for example, type and number of shares sold or address of property 2. Date of Disposal 3. Disposal proceeds 4. incidental cost of disposal 5. Net disposal proceeds 6. date of acquistion 7. incidental cost of acquisition 8. improvement costs 9. total costs 10. gain or loss 11. capital gains elections or reliefs. 12. net gain my question is when I have hundreds of stocks transactions, some of them will follow day trade rule, some of them follow bed and breadfast, and section 104, it will be very very complicated to show everything, or the worksheet will be thick like a dictionary. I would like to know if it is good enough to do in this way, For each share, I gather the following information: Number of disposals, Disposal proceeds, Allowable costs (including purchase price), Gains in the year before losses, Losses in the year, and Profit (Loss) (GBP) so then I can have an excel sheet to put muliple shares in the same table. does it work?