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Posted 12 months ago by Himly Li
I learnt from the news that there will be certain changes in the UK law to taxing UK residents on their overseas incomes. In this connection, I am grateful for your confirmation on whether my following understandings will still be valid after these changes. Article 17 of the UK/Hong Kong double taxation agreement advises that "pensions and other remunerations" arising in Hong Kong and paid to a resident of the UK, in consideration of past employment, are only taxable in Hong Kong. These include government pensions. As such income is not taxable in the UK, there is no need to be reported in a self-assessment tax return. The UK resident can remit the pension received in Hong Kong to a UK bank account, with no tax implications. Thank you.
Posted 11 months ago by HMRC Admin 2 Response

At present there is no change to the tax treaty with Hong Kong and your pension is not taxable in the UK.

Thank you.
Posted 11 months ago by Himly Li
Thank you for your advice. Could you please also confirm the other two points: (1) As such income is not taxable in the UK, it is no need to be reported in a self-assessment tax return; and (2) The UK resident can remit the pension he/she received in Hong Kong to a UK bank account, with no tax implications other than for bank interest. Much obliged.
Posted 11 months ago by HMRC Admin 19 Response
  1. Reference should be made to having the income in the comments box and under which article it is exempt in the uk.  
  2. That is correct.
Thank you.
Posted 10 months ago by YF
Hello, I became a UK tax resident starting from July 2023, which is the date of my arrival in the UK. I had a job before coming to the UK, and my provident fund, a type of pension in Hong Kong, was paid after my arrival in the UK. Based on my understanding, Article 17 of the UK/Hong Kong double taxation agreement advises that 'Pensions and other similar remunerations' arising in Hong Kong and paid to a resident of the UK, in consideration of past employment, are only taxable in Hong Kong. As this income is not taxable in the UK, I do not have to report it in my self-assessment tax return. Could you please confirm this? Thank you.
Posted 9 months ago by HMRC Admin 32 Response

That is correct.

Thank you.
Posted 5 months ago by TimTim
I am retired Hong Kong retired civil servant pensioner. Should I tick the overseas pension block in the online form and fill the amount of pension ?
Posted 5 months ago by HMRC Admin 19 Response
No, you should not.
Thank you. 
Posted 2 months ago by Lilyhon12345 Hon
Under the UK/Hong Kong Double Taxation Treaty and DT9207, pensions arise in Hong Kong are taxable only in Hong Kong (including monthly pensions).
Please confirm that there will be no changes to this agreement on and after 1 April 2025, including the amount of pensions.
Thank you.
Posted 2 months ago by HMRC Admin 8 Response
HMRC cannot confirm any future events.

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