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Posted Wed, 01 Nov 2023 20:42:00 GMT by Normany001
Hello, my wife and I have recently moved to the UK. All of of savings/investments are in joint accounts and have been for many since marriage. I have the following questions: 1/ With regard to dividend income and CGT from our joint investment account, we will have considerably more than the £10,000 of dividend how do we divide this, do we just take 50% of the value and both complete a self assessment return, same question for CGT? 2/ Will will mostly likely have have close to 200 dividend payments divided between several countries, can we total up for each country and then provide a spreadsheet to show the breakdown? Thank you for your assistance.
Posted Fri, 10 Nov 2023 10:19:23 GMT by HMRC Admin 25
Hi Normany001,
1.Yes, you would declare 50% each for the dividend income.
2.Yes, you can total each country to declare on a spreadsheet which you will keep as part of your records. 
Thank you. 

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