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Posted 11 months ago by Pat
My 16 year old has a pre existing stocks and shares junior ISA and an adult cash ISA which was opened in the 23/24 tax year For the 24/25 tax year what is she able to contribute to her junior ISA and to her adult cash ISA? Is the limit £20k across both combined, or is she able to contribute £9k to junior ISA and £20k to adult cash isa as per previous tax year, or something else? Thank you
Posted 11 months ago by HMRC Admin 25 Response
Hi Pat,
As they are only 16 they cannot have both a junior and an adult ISA as you need to be 18 to open an ISA so their limit will be restrcited to £9000.
Please see:
Individual Savings Accounts (ISAs)
Junior Individual Savings Accounts (ISA)
Thank you. 
Posted 7 months ago by Joanna Greensmith
My son has just turned 18. Can he withdrawn the funds from his junior ISA and open a new adult ISA? He has paid into the junior ISA in this tax year
Posted 7 months ago by HMRC Admin 5 Response
Hi  Joanna Greensmith

You will need to contact the ISA provider for assistance. 

Posted 4 months ago by Frankie Doh
Reading through the ISA link above, there says "If you were born between 6 April 2006 and 5 April 2008, you can open one cash ISA before you turn 18." Does it mean a person born between the dates can open both ISA & junior ISA? If so, does the teenager get maximum allowance of GBP 9,000 in Junior ISA & GBP 20,000 in ISA?
Posted 4 months ago by HMRC Admin 10 Response
You need to be 18 to open an ISA account so as a 16 year old, it would only be a junior ISA that you could have at this time. If you were to turn 18 in the same year, you could have both but the limit is still 20k accross all ISA held.

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