If you submitted your application online, you can check the progress of your application via your Personal Tax Account.
Please see information here:
Personal tax account: sign in or set up
You can also use our webchat facility which is available from 10am to 6pm Monday to Friday:
National Insurance: general enquiries (use the ‘Ask HMRC online’ option)
Alternatively, you can call our helpline on 0300 200 3500 (+44 191 203 7010 if calling from abroad) lines are open from 8am to 6pm Monday to Friday.
I can confirm if you submitted your application online, the current timescale is 1 week (currently working on applications received on 23 October2023). If you submitted your application by post, the current timescale is 36 weeks (currently working on applications received on 12 February 2023).
Thank you.