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Posted Sat, 01 Jul 2023 12:14:45 GMT by
Hi HMRC team, I referred to government’s link ( to check whether I have to do a 2022-2023 self assessment reporting. The answer was NO - I do not need to send a self-assessment tax return. I made calculation and divided into 3 parts as follows: Tax year: 2022/2023 (I.) Employment income: 0 (II.) Total interest received: gbp30 (interest from banks in Hong Kong: gbp7 + interest received from UK banks: gbp23) (III.) Total foreign dividend received: (a.) foreign cash dividend: gbp14 (b.) 10 bonus shares as interim dividend by way of distribution in specie of shares in its listed subsidiary distributed by the listed company. As at the date of receipt of 10 bonus shares in my statement, market closing price per share at gbp15 As of today, I still HOLD 10 bonus shares (NOT SELL) Q1. Based on the government’s link, may I follow the test result and do not need to file 2022-2023 self assessment return? Q2. If I need to file 2022-2023 self assessment return, may I know HOW and WHICH FORM to report part (III)(b) as explained above? I look forward to receiving your reply. Thank you very much
Posted Thu, 06 Jul 2023 15:39:21 GMT by HMRC Admin 5 Response

Based on the information you have provided, you are not required to complete a 2022-23 Self Assessment tax return.

Thank you

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